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The Kaduna State Government has approved the sum of N1.16b for the payment of Gratuity/Death Benefits to 423 retirees and families of deceased retirees under the old Defined Benefit Scheme (DBS).
The concerned retirees are from both the state and local government service.
The Kaduna State Pension Bureau hereby informs the retirees and families of deceased beneficiaries who retired under the old Defined Benefit Scheme and whose details appear below to visit their various headquarters for screening.
Payments will commence zonally on Tuesday, 25th October 2022.
Full details of beneficiaries are as listed below: https://kdsg.gov.ng/2022/10/20/kdsg-releases-n1-16b-for-payment-of-gratuity-death-benefits-for-state-local-government-retirees/
For twenty-four hours, he said, no transatlantic airships had arrived, and no more messages were coming from England. He did state, though, that a message from Berlin thatâs in Germany announced that Hoffmeyer, a bacteriologist of the Metchnikoff School, had discovered the serum for the plague. That was the last word, to this day, that we of America ever received from Europe. If Hoffmeyer discovered the serum, it was too late.
If Hoffmeyer discovered the serum, it was too late, or otherwise, long ere this, explorers from Europe would have come looking for us. We can only conclude that what happened in America happened in Europe, and that, at the best, some several score may have survived the Scarlet Death.
Hundreds of these airships escaped to Hawaii, and not only did they bring the plague with them, but they found the plague already there before them. This we learned, by the despatches, until all order in San Francisco vanished, and there were no operators left at their posts to receive or send. It was amazing, astounding.
The two halted, the nearer to us standing and facing Sunbury, a grey indistinctness towards the evening star. – James Doeh
I was telling about the airships of the rich. They carried the plague with them and no matter where they fled, they died. I never encountered but one survivor of any of them Mungerson. He was afterwards a Santa Rosan, and he married my eldest daughter. He came into the tribe eight years after the plague. He was then nineteen years old, and he was compelled to wait twelve years more before he could marry.